Sunday, March 19, 2023

Addiction Recovery Organization Visit

This past week we traveled to Lithuania to develop several humanitarian projects. One of our unplanned appointments was at addiction recovery house for those struggling with drugs and alcohol. Greg and I were so impressed to hear about the resident’s struggles, their triumphs, and their long battle to overcome and stay drug free.

Our translator, Skiste (Sky sta) regularly goes to the local food bank, and during one of these visits she happened to meet the director of the addiction recovery house. Skiste mentioned that we, as humanitarian missionaries were soon visiting the city. This director asked if we could somehow visit their recovery house and Skiste stated she hopefully could make a visit. 

After leaving one appointment, a phone call was made and soon we arrived at a large ranch home in a rural area outside Siauliai (Shoo lay). They greeted us near the door and escorted us into a large open room where we sat on long couches. In a short time, all the people joined and sat down with us. A lady came and sat next to us and was introduced as Dorothy, the director of the organization. Skiste needed to translate for us.

Dorothy told us about her journey to sobriety. In some of her darkest years she felt a desire to become a social worker but wasn’t sure it was possible because she was addicted for 15 years and carried a criminal record. She learned through experience that “Jesus Christ gives the freedom and courage to overcome”. Over time, she slowly moved toward a life of sobriety and her education. Last summer, she successfully completed her social worker degree and together with her husband opened the addiction recovery center, using her own money.

It didn’t take long before nine people who were struggling with addictions found their path to her front door. Dorothy believes this Christian Focus recovery home is the first and only one in Lithuania. It is not operated by therapists or psychologists but through the occupants of the home supporting each other. The house runs off principles of God’s love, support, grace, and forgiveness.

Greg and I witnessed much caring and support from each resident as they voiced their struggles living in “absolute darkness with no desire to live”. They felt “hopeless and abandoned” by everyone until they came to live in this loving facility where Christian values are demonstrated and taught. The focus at the center is faith in Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible, and supporting one another.

With tears flowing, one resident shared her story of years of horrible drug addiction. Out of desperation she looked into the sky and pleads, “God, if you are there - save me”. Months later she found Jesus in her life and a road to recovery. She now states “I understand the Lord is trustworthy and answers our prayers, He cares about everyone who walks in the dark”. Another shared how he attempted suicide and didn't want to live, he had a noose tied around his neck and gave up hope for life. Now he’s grateful to be alive, and believes Jesus loves him.

Another person stated that this home has allowed them to think about Jesus Christ as they have daily scripture study, spiritual music and religious television to help. It is a non-denominational Christian home but everyone understands it is God who is the only way to overcome drugs and alcohol. 

We believe it take both faith and courage when we allow God to prevail in our lives. It takes persistence and rigorous spiritual work to repent that makes for mighty changes upon us. We truly feel we were brought to this organization for a reason, that the Lord wants us to help this home, in some way.

We know all people on earth are children of God, including everyone who walks in darkness. Our hearts felt joyful as they are breaking the cycle of addiction in their lives and desiring a better life.

1 comment:

Welcoming Scott and Dawnetta Brown

This is our final week in the area office, and we are pleased to welcome our replacements, Scott and Dawnetta Brown. Recently retired, Scott...