Sunday, December 18, 2022

Feeding Latvia One Bag at a Time


Samaritan Association of Latvia (LSA) is a voluntary, independent, social welfare organization whose motto is Happy to help! It is one of the successful non-governmental organizations helping in Latvia, as a provider of many social services, a medical and educational institution. LSA implements several charity projects and has been operating for more than 30 years.

The need for food assistance is significant in the Baltic States and LSA conducts food drives with grocery stores and donation drop boxes, collecting non-perishable food donations. In the northern part of Riga sits a storage facility where donated food is dropped off, stored, and sorted before it is taken to the vulnerable population and residents living in Latvia.

With limited shelving space and no way to keep produce and other perishable food cold, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was asked if they could help provide funding to purchase storage shelves for dry goods, a walk-in freezer, and an oversized commercial refrigerator. The Church was happy to support this organization to improve its ability to serve others.

Samaritan provides food and food delivery for the needy. The number of individuals and families asking for food service is around 800 per month and during the holidays the demand is even higher. Bags of food are loaded into the van and drivers deliver the food packages around Riga and nearby neighborhoods.

Humanitarian missionaries, Brad and Lynda Blau escorted us to this location as the items had arrived and were installed. We so much admire LSA for all it does to provide relief for those in the community.


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Welcoming Scott and Dawnetta Brown

This is our final week in the area office, and we are pleased to welcome our replacements, Scott and Dawnetta Brown. Recently retired, Scott...