Sunday, March 26, 2023

Benson Scholarships

As a part of humanitarian efforts, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints provides full scholarships to members looking to work within specific areas of agriculture. Named after our prophet Ezra Taft Benson, Benson Scholarships are helping countries improve living and health conditions across the world.

Currently, Cabo Verde and Portugal are the two countries, in our area. These scholarships help students obtain college degrees related to agriculture, animal sciences, nutrition, food technology, agronomy, and horticulture.

These educational programs in agriculture are designed to help encourage local students learn new skills for themselves and, ultimately, help improve their country’s economy overall. The few countries who participate are greatly benefited by increased use of their land and natural resources. Agriculture is the backbone of local economies in Cabo Verde and Portugal.

In Europe North Area, there are 828 students enrolled, attending, or completing required courses over the past few years. Of this number, 71% graduated with college degrees and although some drop out, 93% are employed in the industry which is the main objective of the scholarship program. Funds are donated by Church members and some students pay back their loan. Of the 828 scholarships, 224 students have completely paid off their loan allowing for a continuing cycle of education.

Throughout the world, the Church has funded and focused their humanitarian initiatives on instilling self-reliance principals to their beneficiaries. Benson scholarships are a great example how to show Christ-like love and teach self-reliance that brings dignity to God’s children everywhere. I have found people who prefer to lift themselves out of poverty rather than to have others provide for them. Fulfilling personal integrity develops confidence that allows the individual to now turn and help lift others in similar situations.

This is why I love humanitarian work.


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