Sunday, March 12, 2023

Seven More Projects Approved in February

In our role as Humanitarian Specialists, we receive project proposals from the Europe North Area. In February we received projects from Portugal, United Kingdom, Finland, and Cabo Verde. We review them and make sure they are fully completed. Next, we create a Power-point for the Area President to review and hopefully approve. 

If approved, projects are followed with a letter of donation and a plan for accomplishing the objectives outlined in the project. Here is a summary of projects approved in February 2023:

1. The Red Cross provides Medical Alert Bracelets for elderly people living alone. They asked the Church to help buy a large amount for those who are destitute and unable to pay for them. Once alerted, the Red Cross provides immediate assistance in urgent medical situations.

2. Baby starter kits that include essential baby equipment, cribs, baby clothes for Ukraine refugee Mothers giving birth without needed supplies.

3. A self-paced entrepreneur program for former inmates that includes a business course and low-cost starter kits, like Street Vendor, House Painting supplies, car hand wash. Hoping to help them become self-reliant.

4. Funds to supplement nutritious food for a Food Bank feeding over 3000+ individuals weekly. The Church will also provide volunteers weekly to help where needed. High inflation causing many to seek help including mothers with children, refugees, elderly, and even students.

5. Automotive and Building Power Tools are donated along with Skills Instructors to teach the use. The Church will also donate Building materials to repair a dilapidated building inside a prison. This will expand career development courses offered inside the prison so when they get released they become employed.

6. Appliances and sewing machines and materials to continue culinary and sewing classes for single mothers leaving abusive partners.

7. Emergency food relief kits for very low income families facing record levels of food insecurity.

1 comment:

  1. I really like business 'start-up' project. We are trying to do the same for refugee women from Ukraine who are now living in Poland.


Welcoming Scott and Dawnetta Brown

This is our final week in the area office, and we are pleased to welcome our replacements, Scott and Dawnetta Brown. Recently retired, Scott...