Sunday, April 14, 2024

Baking Sourdough

I attended a sourdough baking course at Bread Ahead Baking School in Wembley, England. The comprehensive class introduced us to the intricate process of fermenting dough from flour and water, leaving us with a living culture to nurture over the coming days. The hands-on experience of mixing and shaping loaves with this starter yielded beautifully risen bread, filling the room with an earthy aroma of toasted grains and comfort. Lunch featured a delicious freshly baked pizza that I had a hand in crafting. The newfound knowledge and the delicious outcome fueled a sense of accomplishment and a desire to delve deeper into the art of sourdough baking upon returning home.

The class not only taught us how to make sourdough bread but also made us appreciate the skill and patience needed to create delicious bread. The instructor's expertise helped us understand the process better, resulting in beautiful, crusty loaves. This class ignited a passion for bread baking and made us eager to learn more and try different flavors and techniques.

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