Saturday, October 14, 2023

Serving Hope: A Visit to Fonds Agape


Fonds Agape in Liepaja is a soup kitchen that also provides shelter for homeless individuals. We spoke with manager Leifs Krafts, who has five years experience here. Daina, a volunteer for three years, now collects surplus food from local grocery stores up to five days a week. The kitchen serves hot porridge five days a week, with hungry individuals bringing their containers. They also distribute monthly food rations from the European Union.

Leif needs new large cooking pots due to heavy daily use. On the second floor, the shelter houses homeless people an old, uncomfortable mattress in room with outdated infrastructure. Residents contribute by assisting with various tasks to stay at the shelter.

We recognize the organization’s valuable work and aim to support them by providing new single mattresses and cooking pots for their kitchen.Top of Form

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