Monday, October 2, 2023

Enhancing Accessibility in Liepaja

Leipajas Neredzigo is an non-profit organization that supports individuals with vision disabilities, playing a vital role in the community by promoting development and growth. Essentially, it functions as a rehabilitation center, often referred to as a "life school", where visually impaired individuals participate in a comprehensive program to effectively integrate them into society, focusing on their rehabilitation and personal development goals.

Maris Ceirulis, who is visually impaired, serves as the director of this facility, overseeing 300 visually impaired individuals who come from various parts of western Latvia. During our tour of the two-story building, we noticed the presence of handrails with Braille along the long hallways, designed to assist visually impaired individuals. Different rooms are dedicated to activities such as music, art, ceramics, basket weaving, cooking, exercises, and there’s also an auditorium with a large stage. 

One significant concern Maris shared with us was the need for an elevator to provide wheelchairs accessibility to the second floor. Currently, individuals in wheelchairs are carried up the stairs by multiple people, which is not ideal. Maris has been working on this project for years, but high costs have been a major obstacle. He showed us the proposed location for the elevator, near the stairs and close to the auditorium.

We have agreed to review and consider his proposal as a potential humanitarian project.

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