Monday, July 3, 2023

Transforming Lives in Praia

This week has been filled with exciting developments as we work on numerous projects, and I'll share one of them with you. In the capital city Praia, Cabo Verde, an project is underway to transform the lives of inmates and street children, offering them hope for a better future.

In collaboration with the local prison, efforts are being made to rehabilitate inmates and equip them with valuable skills that will enable their successful reintegration into society upon release. The focus is on teaching auto body repair, carpentry, auto mechanics, house painting, and agriculture, among other practical skills. Thanks to the support of the Church, these projects have received funding to purchase the necessary tools and resources. By providing inmates with the means to find employment opportunities, we can help break the cycle of crime and reduce recidivism rates in Praia.

However, the challenges faced by Praia's community extend beyond the prison walls. The city is home to a significant number of street children who are desperately lack guidance, purpose, and the means to build a self-sufficient future. Poverty, limited education, and financial constraints have left these children vulnerable to risky activities such as drugs, prostitution, and theft. To address these issues, the prison created a project called "Educate to Change" with the focus of training at-risk street children with their entrepreneurial ideas. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints would fund and acquire food carts and initial supplies for 12 families with teenage children. They are required to successfully complete self-reliance classes and then these families are equipped to start their own businesses, providing for their children and teaching them valuable business practices.

With these projects in development, Praia is witnessing a transformation for both inmates and street children. By investing in their education, skills, and entrepreneurial spirit, we are empowering individuals to break free from the constraints of poverty and lead fulfilling lives. The efforts made by the Church and the local community serve as an inspiring example of compassion, determination, and the belief that everyone deserves a second chance. As these projects continue to unfold, we eagerly anticipate the positive impact they will have on the lives of those involved and the wider Praia community as a whole.

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