Sunday, July 23, 2023

Building Bonds in Lisbon

We were overjoyed to receive an invitation to the Europe North Welfare Self-Reliance Services (WSRS) manager’s council in beautiful Lisbon, Portugal.

The two-day event was a wonderful experience that aimed to equip us with the tools we need to succeed in our roles. On our first day, we shared our progress and learned about effective teamwork and making the most of available resources. We also had a great time at the beach, building sand castles, playing water games, and enjoying the limbo together. Our beachside bonding continued over a delicious dinner of grilled fish, which brought us even closer as a team. 

On the second day, we had meaningful classroom discussions that helped us improve our skills in our roles. After the sessions, we visited Casa, an non-profit organization that provides food to hundreds of people in need every day. We joined hands with them, peeling vegetables and making traditional Portuguese soup for those less fortunate. It was a humbling and heartwarming experience to see how our collective efforts could make a positive impact on people's lives. Our time in Lisbon ended with yet another delicious seafood feast by the sea, celebrating our success training and charitable work.

Looking back, our trip to Lisbon was amazing. We had a chance to grow professionally, bond as a team, and help the community. Being part of this event, surrounded by dedicated people working to uplift communities and promote self-reliance, was truly inspiring. This experience has touched our hearts and strengthened our commitment to support those in need. We're coming back with renewed motivation, ready to apply what we've learned and make a positive difference in people's lives.

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