Saturday, June 3, 2023

Hello Spring Craft Fair

Today, we visited one of the oldest and largest open air museums in Europe. The Ethnographic Open Air Museum is located north just outside the city limits of Riga on Lake Jugla.

The Applied Arts Fair showcases quality handiwork rooted in tradition with a focus on craftsmen using traditional methods.  

In it's 51 year with record number of attendees. More than 530 artisans, home producers of food, and skilled craftsmen offer their handmade goods.

These women dressed in traditional Latvian folklore sell fresh bakery delights including traditional sklandrausis, a small carrot and potato tart made with dark rye bread. 

The epitome of Latvian weaving is the Lielvarde belt. The patterns are extremely sophisticated and intricately handwoven in Latvian traditions. An must-have piece to every folk costume worn during celebrations and festivals.

Also around the museum are live demonstrations, this man shows his basket weaving skills. He effortlessly makes working with wicker look easy. I loved his hat just another expression of creative ingenuity.  

Latvians have long been carving wood found in their forests into everything useful from kitchen utensils to furniture.   

Food vendors cooked a lot of traditional food over an open flame. Based on peasant culture and seasonal offerings, my lunch plate was sausage, sauerkraut and whole potatoes.  

The Spring Craft Fair was uniquely different than any other event we've attended. A little bit of modern, but mostly the best traditional Latvia has to offer. 

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