Saturday, April 8, 2023

My Hope for Easter is Change

The greatest events that ever happened on earth occurred over 2,000 years ago, the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This Easter, I want to show reverence for the Lord and the respect that He rightfully deserves.

Because of Him, I can change. It’s never too late to change. In fact, it’s highly encouraged. Jesus’ sacrifice means that we can leave our past behind and look forward to new hope and new possibilities.

Easter represents a season of change, a new birth, a new beginning. We aren't expected to achieve perfection but improvement over time bit by bit, day by day.

Today, I want to improve my personal prayers; to spend more time on my knees talking to God and thanking Him for all the goodness in my life. And leave behind "vain and repetitious" prayers that have little impact on my life. Rather offer sincere prayers from the heart. Daily prayers filled with gratitude and pleadings that change lives. Ones full of forgiveness, purpose, hope and empowerment. I know the Lord stands ready to bless, comfort, and provide answers to my personal prayers.

What change can you make in your life today?

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