Sunday, April 23, 2023

Bringing Water to Remote Fogo Island

Part of our responsibly is to evaluate ongoing and past humanitarian projects. We try to ensure that the right people receive help and correct materials were utilized. We talk to all partners involved and make sure the Church fulfilled their responsibilities. We also talk to the recipients about how the project has improved their life. 

This week, we traveled outside our mission to Cabo Verde. James Tavares, is the country welfare self-reliance manager and assisted us with the Portuguese language and location of projects. 

After Greg and I arrived on Santiago Island we visited many non-profit organizations. Then, we left Praia to fly 30 minutes over to the island of Fago. This island is about 15 miles across with an active volcano. The entire island has volcanic rock all the way to the beach which has black sand. There are about 35,000 people who live here.

A water project has been approved in 2022 to extend water lines to families living in mountainous remote locations on the island of Fago. The Church partnered with other organizations to "provide the last mile" of water lines. 

We drove around the perimeter of the island to remote villages along windy lava cobblestone roads, very steep inclines and parched landscape. We past donkeys loaded with water jugs and men and woman on foot. 

We parked and hiked several hundred meters from the main water line along dirt paths to stone houses afar off. For those who receive the water, it is their responsibility to dig trenches. We arrived where men were actively digging with picks and shovels. Later, a pipe was laid and a water barrel and spigot.

One recipient said, "He never thought he would ever see clean running water coming to his home so it was a dream come true." Another man shared how he would have to carry 70 liters everyday up steep trails to provide for his family and animals. Another man shared how for 15 years he had to hike up and down the mountain to get water for his family. A mother of four was grateful her water spigot. Each of them have been provided with a barrel and a water faucet outside the house, none of them as of yet have running water inside their home. 

Clean running water has transformed so many families' lives tremendously and they feel so blessed.

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