Sunday, February 26, 2023

What Started With 10 Boxes of Food

Food banks distribute food aid to thousands of people every week in Estonia, including 8000 children.

The number of people needing help has increased due to rising cost of living, increased prices in energy and food inflation. Estimates show 67,000 Ukraine refugees live in Estonia, which is 5% of the Estonian population.

We met with Piet from Toidupank to discuss ways humanitarian funds may assist in his food distribution efforts.

What started as ten food boxes in a small one-room office in 2004 has grown into sixteen food bank branches throughout the country. Over 20,000 people a week line up to receive food five days a week.

This organization collects and distributes food to thousands of people every day. The busy warehouse has up to twenty-five volunteers who come every week to sort and fill plastic bags. Vehicles arrive with pallets of salvaged food which is left over in grocery stores at the end of the day. Warehouse workers move pallets around to replenish outgoing food. Cooks prepare and serve hot meals in the small kitchen area. Piet is busy coordinating fund raising events and purchasing supplemental food items like buckwheat, sunflower oil, and canned fish.  

Everyone is feeling the squeeze; we observed long lines of people standing in subzero weather waiting to collect a food bag. There were young and old, men and women, a variety of people. We were advised many people are too sick or elderly to stand in line and the food bank works with social services to deliver meals to those who are home bound.

Last year, when the war was raging and it was a real threat to enter Ukraine, Piet heard Kiev was desperate for food. He turned to his friends for help and against all resistance he loaded pallets of food into seven trucks. They said it couldn’t be done that there is too much paperwork or the trucks would be high-jacked and the food stolen before it arrived. Regardless, all the trucks made it to Kiev and delivered the food. He has gained much respect in the food community because of his bravery and kindness.

We look forward to developing a humanitarian project with this organization.

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