Monday, October 24, 2022

4 Amazing Reasons That Changed The Way I Think About A Mission

My husband, Greg and I decided to set aside the pursuits of our normal life and to give full-time service to the Lord. We have accepted an (18)month assignment to serve as Humanitarian Missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We will be serving in the Europe North Area living in Riga, Latvia. 

Our decision to serve is completely voluntary, and we will support and pay our own expenses. We are not required to learn the “Latvia” language, although it would be helpful to learn as much as possible. I am excited and thrilled to have such a wonderful opportunity to serve the people in this area of the world. I hope to be helpful where humanitarian relief is needed.

Our president, Russell M. Nelson, said “One of the best ways for senior couples to make significant memories is to serve a mission together.” 

I would like to share my (4) four reasons for serving a mission:

1 – The desire to go. 

I have felt a strong impression that I am needed more now than ever before. I have been blessed with good health, the desire to serve, physical stamina, sufficient finances, a supportive husband, and the desire to serve others.

2 – Incredible experiences await. 

The opportunity to live in another country and become friends with culturally different people is an amazing. It’s exciting and unique to discover different cultures, new languages, and ethnic foods. European countries deliver ancient and modern, world-class cities and sweeping landscapes. Finding ways to adapt may be challenging but it’s awesome to live in a country that so many others may have only dreamed of.  

3 – The need is so great. 

Our world has millions of people living in poverty, and many more who fled as displaced refugees. Thousands live in droughts, starvation, without clean drinking water, lack power, or utilities. Getting the right help to people in need requires volunteers on the front line. Humanitarian volunteers are desperately needed. There are other charity organizations willing to alleviate suffering if they have resources to reach those in need. I want to help solve problems where help is needed and assure it is delivered and used as intended. To me, there are few things better than to volunteer and be part of something greater than ourselves.

4 – The love and desire to help others inspires me.

To be part of something bigger than myself is motivating. I find personal renewal and strength when I am involved with good causes such as humanitarian aid. Being kind and helpful to others helps me become happier. Giving back is a chance to increase the amount of positivity I create. It’s inspiring to be part of a church that builds relationships with non-profit organizations. 

I know this assignment won’t be easy but I am prepared to serve the best I can.

1 comment:

  1. What a great opportunity and you have a wonderful attitude. We need more people like you and your husband. I feel so limited with my disability, I will see for charities.


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