Monday, October 31, 2022

What Is Humanitarian Work?

Did you know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints spends $1 billion per year for humanitarian relief efforts around the world? We have been asked to be a part of this great humanitarian effort.

The Church sponsors and assists relief and development projects in over 188 Countries around the world. These projects are based on self-reliance, sustainably, and community support. Funding for the humanitarian effort is made possible primarily from it's members. The donations have helped millions of people improve their lives and relieve suffering all around the world.

As a humanitarian missionary, my role will be the front line representative to ensure good projects are located and resources and supplies get to the people who need it. Too often charitable contributions do not make it to where it was intended. Our number one purpose is to follow our Savior Jesus Christ’s example to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and care for the sick and afflicted. We do this regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, or membership in our church.

Recently in September, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gave $32 million contribution to the World Food Program for humanitarian help, specifically for food to feed millions of starving people. Due to weather, poverty, and war in numerous countries a desperate plea was made for immediate help. This was the largest one time donation by any organization.

I feel so blessed and honored to be a representative for such a noble and great cause. I like this quote from our President Russell M. Nelson, "Giving help to others - making a conscientious effort to care about others is as much or more than we care about ourselves - is our joy. Especially, I might add, when it is not convenient and when it takes us out of our comfort zone. Living that second great commandment, 'to love our neighbor as ourself', is the key to becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ."

Monday, October 24, 2022

4 Amazing Reasons That Changed The Way I Think About A Mission

My husband, Greg and I decided to set aside the pursuits of our normal life and to give full-time service to the Lord. We have accepted an (18)month assignment to serve as Humanitarian Missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We will be serving in the Europe North Area living in Riga, Latvia. 

Our decision to serve is completely voluntary, and we will support and pay our own expenses. We are not required to learn the “Latvia” language, although it would be helpful to learn as much as possible. I am excited and thrilled to have such a wonderful opportunity to serve the people in this area of the world. I hope to be helpful where humanitarian relief is needed.

Our president, Russell M. Nelson, said “One of the best ways for senior couples to make significant memories is to serve a mission together.” 

I would like to share my (4) four reasons for serving a mission:

1 – The desire to go. 

I have felt a strong impression that I am needed more now than ever before. I have been blessed with good health, the desire to serve, physical stamina, sufficient finances, a supportive husband, and the desire to serve others.

2 – Incredible experiences await. 

The opportunity to live in another country and become friends with culturally different people is an amazing. It’s exciting and unique to discover different cultures, new languages, and ethnic foods. European countries deliver ancient and modern, world-class cities and sweeping landscapes. Finding ways to adapt may be challenging but it’s awesome to live in a country that so many others may have only dreamed of.  

3 – The need is so great. 

Our world has millions of people living in poverty, and many more who fled as displaced refugees. Thousands live in droughts, starvation, without clean drinking water, lack power, or utilities. Getting the right help to people in need requires volunteers on the front line. Humanitarian volunteers are desperately needed. There are other charity organizations willing to alleviate suffering if they have resources to reach those in need. I want to help solve problems where help is needed and assure it is delivered and used as intended. To me, there are few things better than to volunteer and be part of something greater than ourselves.

4 – The love and desire to help others inspires me.

To be part of something bigger than myself is motivating. I find personal renewal and strength when I am involved with good causes such as humanitarian aid. Being kind and helpful to others helps me become happier. Giving back is a chance to increase the amount of positivity I create. It’s inspiring to be part of a church that builds relationships with non-profit organizations. 

I know this assignment won’t be easy but I am prepared to serve the best I can.

Monday, October 17, 2022

I Could Hardly Believe This Happened to Us

Once we decided to serve a mission, our next big decision was what do we do with our home while we are gone. Do we leave it vacant or rent it? Do we move all of our furniture or leave it furnished. We decided to rent it furnished so we wouldn’t have to move everything into storage.

Greg and I knelt down to pray for help in preparing to serve our mission. We asked the Lord to help us find the right person to rent our house, and trusted he would help us. We knew eighteen months is an odd time frame, and another house rental in the area was already on the market for 71 days. I was concerned knowing that this was an important step for us to leave our home and serve a mission.

The very next Sunday, I observed some old friends at church. They used to live in the area, but a couple years ago moved to Idaho. After greeting them I invited them to Sunday School class as I was teaching and so they decided to attend. After the class, a discussion was had about our mission and I mentioned we are trying to rent our home with furnishings. Our friends mentioned they just happened to be looking for a home to rent, and a few days later came to check it out. They were in town only a few days as he had become employed with a company connected to Las Vegas. When they toured our home it appeared exactly what they were looking for, and we felt they were exactly who we would like to rent our home. They soon called and advised us they would rent it for eighteen months about the time we left to serve our mission.

Immediately after the call, Greg and I knelt down and thanked the Lord for bringing the right person to our home. We would not even use a managing company because we know our friends to be honest people.

The rent we collect each month will actually cover the costs of our mission. We are expected to pay our rent, utilities, food, and personal expenses while we serve in the Baltic States. This is another amazing blessing, that we will not need to use any of our savings while serving a senior mission.

I believe the Lord knows the righteous desires of our hearts and answers sincere prayers. This is a testament that a tender mercy was shown us as we prepare to serve our mission.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Deciding to Serve a Mission

 This past year, my husband and I decided together to serve a senior mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Many decisions had to be made. Are we ready to go? When should we go? How long would we serve? What kind of assignment would we want? And where in the world would we go?

The church website asks many questions to help us decide. Do we want to speak a foreign language? Do we want to serve in the USA or overseas? What skills or talents do you have? Can we adapt to foreign cultures and food? Do we need to be close to medical facilities?

I logged onto the church website (ChurchofJesusChrist .org) and searched “senior missionary opportunities”. I saw current needs in Papua New Guinea, Africa, India, Madagascar, New Zealand, Romania, Indonesia, and other exotic and tropical locations. Together, we decided not to make a location selection, but instead write “send us anywhere you need us” on our application.

Of course, we would accept any assignment but our preference was to serve in a foreign country. We also decided to request an assignment doing humanitarian service which involves helping those in need.

The application process included health and dental exams and making sure our immunizations were up to date. Our next step was to meet with our bishop and advise him of our desire to serve a mission. We also had a face-to-face meeting with our local church stake president. Next our application was submitted to church headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah. One of the twelve apostles reviews our application and makes an assignment usually within a couple of weeks.

An assignment was made and we received an email with our official call to serve a mission. It was opened with family and friends on Tuesday, August 30, 2022. The time frame was about six months from when we decided to serve a mission to receiving our call to serve.

There is much anticipation to receiving a call, as it will determine where we will spend the next eighteen months of our lives. But we trust the Lord is with us in these efforts to serve others anywhere in the world. We opened and read the “call letter” aloud to discover the joyous news, we’re going to the Baltic Mission starting January 2, 2023. We both had to look it up on the map as we were not familiar with the location. We learned it included the countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. This is considered the Europe North Area which borders Russia, Belarus, and Poland.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

First Things First

If you love European adventures, volunteer service, giving aid to others, and unique experiences you've come to the right place!

My husband and I accepted an assignment to live abroad as an area welfare specialist volunteer in the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. We will be assisting other volunteers to relieve suffering, foster self-reliance, and identify and help with humanitarian projects for the people living in northern Europe.

During the next eighteen months, I will live in Riga, Latvia experiencing all that the North Europe Area has to offer. As I do, I will write and share what I am seeing and experiencing along with humanitarian projects we are involved with during this awesome Baltic mission journey.

My name is Cathie Schultz, along with my husband Greg, we freely accepted to leave the comforts of our home and serve as senior humanitarian missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We had been discussing missions for a couple years and agree now is our time to go. We are enjoying great happiness, feel very blessed, and realize there is great need for senior missionaries throughout the world. So we accepted the opportunity.

We will leave our blended family of eight children and twelve grandchildren for a year and a half and also put aside our active lifestyle in our Las Vegas community. We feel impressed to accept this once-in-a-life-time opportunity to move away from familiar and embark on something filled with purpose and eternal rewards. 

So, come follow along as I discover world class cities, sprawling landscapes, rich cultures, fascinating people, delicious culinary delights, a mix of old with new, and of course, humanitarian relief projects. I look forward to sharing my thoughts and photographs while you watch and follow along.

Welcoming Scott and Dawnetta Brown

This is our final week in the area office, and we are pleased to welcome our replacements, Scott and Dawnetta Brown. Recently retired, Scott...