Thursday, May 23, 2024

Welcoming Scott and Dawnetta Brown

This is our final week in the area office, and we are pleased to welcome our replacements, Scott and Dawnetta Brown. Recently retired, Scott and Dawnetta have volunteered to serve an 18-month mission and have been selected to take over our roles as humanitarian specialists in London. We have one week to pass on all the responsibilities and knowledge we've accumulated about our humanitarian projects. Their arrival is a great relief, and we are confident that the area will thrive under their care. We look forward to seeing how their fresh perspectives will build on the work we’ve started.

On Monday, we were in the presence of an apostle of the Lord, at our area office devotional, with inspiring messages from Elder Dale G. Relund and Elder Carl B. Cook. Their words provided much-needed insight and encouragement, setting a positive tone for the transition. It was a wonderful opportunity to reflect on our service and feel supported by these leaders as we hand over our duties. We are grateful for this experience and optimistic about the future of the humanitarian efforts in the area under Scott and Dawnetta's leadership.

Also pictured, Jordan Broadbent, our area humanitarian specialist and Kristi Hita, our executive secretary, both are amazing individuals with immense knowledge and abilities.

As we close this chapter, we feel blessed to have been part of such meaningful work and are confident that Scott and Dawnetta, along with Jordan and Kristi, will continue to make a profound impact. We leave with gratitude in our hearts and faith in the future of these vital humanitarian projects.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

A Glimpse into our Area Humanitarian Counsel

Every Monday dedicated volunteers and employees from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints come together and hold an Area Humanitarian Counsel (AHC) meeting. Welfare Self-Reliance missionaries throughout the Europe North Area are invited to attend. We now have representatives from Baltics, Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Cabo Verde, and Ireland.

During our meeting, we analyze and understand the specific issues and requirements of each project in development, aiming to provide further clarification, enhance objectives, ensure long-term sustainability, and assess its impact on the vulnerable population in our areas.

We offer you a glimpse into the projects being done, showcasing the spirit of compassion and unity that drives our endeavors.

The projects for consideration this week include:

·      Sanitation improvements through the installation of plumbing systems and newly built bathrooms.

·      Desalination equipment in a drought-affected area to provide clean drinking water and support the cultivation of vegetable gardens.

·      Cooking classes and food provisions for refugees who lack cooking skills.

·      Large tents and volunteer uniforms to support Red Cross relief efforts in during disasters.

·      Hygiene items for thousands of Ukrainians who are livings as refugees.

·      Self-reliance manuals and skill classes for youth aging out of foster care and transitioning into adulthood.

·      Heavy equipment and driver training courses for unemployed young adults in high poverty areas.

·      Community outreach project to assemble personal care kits to aid those in need including children, prisoners, elderly, and mobility patients.

·      Nutritious food staples for a food bank, who feeds 20,000 individuals per week.

·      Safety barriers at an elementary school in a high risk area.

As we are involved with the work of the AHC, we are reminded of the power of collective action and the transformative impact it can have on communities around the world.

In a world fraught with challenges, we are greatly blessed to be a part of bringing human kindness and hope to a world full of despair. A beacon of light, illuminating the path towards a brighter, more compassionate future for all.

Welcoming Scott and Dawnetta Brown

This is our final week in the area office, and we are pleased to welcome our replacements, Scott and Dawnetta Brown. Recently retired, Scott...