Monday, November 27, 2023

Reflections on a Year of Service

While we have been on our mission for one year, we have witnessed the profound impact of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as it generously funds humanitarian projects worldwide but mostly in the Europe North Area.

The funds generously donated by members of the worldwide Church, enable us the privilege to witnesses the far-reaching impact as it supports humanitarian projects across Europe. Millions of dollars are allocated to countries grappling with recent disasters or conflicts, enabling the reconstruction of nations like Ukraine and Turkey. The funds are channeled into essential resources, from numerous pallets of food and water to the replacement of medical equipment, beds, clothing for those who have fled their homes with only the clothes on their backs, and the provision of kitchen appliances to support food pantries and soup kitchens in their mission to feed the vulnerable. 

Our church is actively involved in Iceland and other regions where homes have been leveled by destruction, even before the onset of volcanic activity. The Church’s preparations for aid were already underway, ensuring a swift response when the need arose. The relief aid is distributed through extensive worldwide organizations to reach those in need, and our charity remains steadfast in its commitment to non-discrimination, responding promptly to any identified need with the Christ-like characteristics of love and charity.

In a world marked by commotion and widespread suffering, the Church demonstrates a rapid and compassionate response. We find great fulfillment in being part of this engaged effort, contributing to the Church's impactful response to the challenges facing humanity.

As we approach the last few months of our mission, we look forward to returning home and spending time with family. Despite world chaos, we have faith in God’s power to endure and bring blessings to those who trust in the Lord.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

First Europe North Welfare Self-Reliance Service Seminar

The first-ever Europe North Area Welfare Self-Reliance Service (WSRS) seminar took place in Preston, England, with 25 mangers and team members. Over the course of five days, participants received spiritual training and instruction on their responsibilities and assignments related to welfare self-reliance. This seminar marked a significant step forward in fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing to promote self-sufficiency and community well-being in the Europe North Area.

I am excited and grateful to be involved in the inaugural Europe North Area Welfare Self-Reliance Service seminar, contributing to meaningful efforts in community empowerment and self-sufficiency.


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Maisto Bankas Community Support in Sauliai

In Siauliai, Lithuania, we had a meeting with the director, Sandra Simaityte, and Skaiste Makslahti-Tolesheev, the wife of the branch president. Skaiste is familiar with the food bank’s operations as she herself goes to receive food her non-profit organization. She arranged for us to meet with Sandra on a cold wintery day. We were informed that the Food Bank serves more than 100 people a day, a significant increase from the 70-80 served last year. They also serve local non-profit organizations to provide food provisions. Currently, they assist 22 non-profit organizations, with plans to expand to 30 next month. These organizations vary in size, some as large as 100 people and others who are much smaller. The food bank operation relies on the help of numerous volunteers who collect, sort, and distribute the food.

Initially, Sandra mentioned the need for heaters in their warehouse, which was very cold during the winter. However, by our next visit, they had relocated to a warmer facility. Yet, this new location lacked a large walk-in refrigerator to store donated meats and dairy from nearby grocery stores, which is crucial for their food supply. They also receive surplus vegetables from farmers, including potatoes, beets, and root crops.

On the first Wednesday of the month, Maisto Bankas distributes food from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel due to its central location. Young missionaries and community volunteers assist with food distribution and sorting inside the church's entrance.

Volunteers from the community come to assist in the food distribution food just inside the church's entrance and help with the handling, carrying, and sorting of food boxes.

Sandra expressed her enthusiasm about the church's donation of a walk-in refrigerator to their facility, recognizing its critical role in accepting and storing perishable items like butter, cheese, milk, and meats, which are highly desired by those they serve. This generous donation from the church significantly contributes to Maisto Bankas's efforts to feed the less fortunate in her community.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Our Europe North Area Experience

Our experience at the Europe North Area office, situated in High Wycombe, England, has been truly enlightening and rewarding. This office serves as the central hub for overseeing the operations and affairs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Europe North Area. It houses the Area Presidency and their assistants, as well as various vital departments such as Welfare Self-Reliance, Legal, Communication, Travel, Facility Management, and Technology. We have the privilege of working at this office three days a week, collaborating with dedicated professionals who ensure the smooth functioning of the Church's activities in this region.

This unique work arrangement allows us to be a part of a dynamic and multicultural team while also affording us the flexibility to contribute from our apartment. We have been inspired by the passion and dedication of our colleagues in serving the Church's mission in Europe North. This experience has not only expanded our professional horizons but also deepened our understanding of the Church's commitment to community welfare, legal compliance, effective communication, and the judicious management of resources. It is a privilege to be a part of this important work, and we look forward to continuing our contributions to this remarkable organization.

Welcoming Scott and Dawnetta Brown

This is our final week in the area office, and we are pleased to welcome our replacements, Scott and Dawnetta Brown. Recently retired, Scott...