Sunday, September 24, 2023

Latvia Celebrates Nature

Latvia is a country that truly appreciates and celebrates its deep connection to nature.

One such expression is the festival of Ligo, which marks the beginning of a season filled with abundant celebrations of nature. During Ligo, Latvians gather to celebrate the summer solstice, showing their reverence for the fertile land and diverse natural resources that bring forth abundance to sustain life. It’s a time when the vibrant traditions of folklore come to life, and communities come together to revel in the beauty of the natural world.

Following the festivities of Ligo the celebrations continue as the warm days of summer progress. These celebrations culminate with St. Michael's, which signals the end of the harvest season. During this time, the people of Latvia not only celebrate the fruits of their labor but also reflect on the importance of stewardship towards the land and its resources.

This unique blend of tradition and gratitude for nature is at the heart of Latvian culture, highlighting the country's enduring connection to the environment that sustains them. 

In Latvia, nature is not just a backdrop; it is a cherished partner in their way of life, and this deep appreciation is beautifully showcased in their rich traditions and seasonal celebrations.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Motus Vita's Mission to Support Individuals with Disabilities


Motus Vita, is on a mission to transform the lives of individuals with disabilities. Their commitment to provide loan-based rehabilitation and mobility equipment has made a profound impact on those in need.

The chairman, himself is a user of mobility leg braces and has a deep understanding of the challenges faced by individuals in need of assistance due to disabilities.

Since its establishment, they have been offering a range of services including physical therapy, rehabilitation, and the provision of essential equipment and technical aids. Unfortunately, many individuals with disabilities are placed on waiting lists for prescribed equipment due to financial constraints.

Greg and I visited beneficiaries from last year’s project and witnessed their gratitude for the support from the church’s charity, ‘Caring for Those in Need’.

We are again helping in supporting their cause by providing three medical beds complete with mattresses, a foldable wheelchair ramp, an electric bathroom lift, and foot braces designed to assist people with disabilities. This collaboration exemplifies the power of communities coming together to make a difference. 

Motus Vita is a lifeline for individuals with disabilities, a testament to the power of compassion, and a reminder that together, we can create a world where everyone has the opportunity to live life to the fullest, regardless of their abilities.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Remembering the Tragedy: A Visit to the Riga Ghetto and Holocaust Museum


Recently, we visited the Riga Ghetto and Holocaust Museum, a place where nearly 80 years ago, 70,000 Latvian Jews met their tragic end. Its mission today is to preserve the memories of the atrocities committed against the Jewish community during the German occupation and acknowledge their existence today. 

In 1941, Hitler's Nazi soldiers arrived in Riga and rounded up the Jews, segregating them into ghettos, sending thousands to concentration camps, and murdering the rest. At the museum, a replica boxcar displays the cramped space in which hundreds were forced and transported to concentration camps. This space symbolizes the deliberate confinement of persecuted minorities in inadequate facilities, often subjected to forced labor or awaiting mass execution.    

A Ghetto house displays the living conditions Jews were forced into, highlighting the overcrowding and hardships. The museum also features hundred of photos and stories about those separated from their families, tortured, and executed by Nazis. Additionally, it honors local citizens who risked their lives to provide shelter or aid to Jews.

Despite these efforts, over 200,000 Jewish people from Latvia were deported and killed in gas chambers or by firing squads.

On July 4, 1941, when the Nazis entered Riga with their armies, a massacre unfolded. Many Jewish residents were inside the Great Choir Synagogue, which the Nazis set ablaze, and prevented those inside from escaping. A couple hundred people died in the fire. The building was destroyed and paved over, but several decades later the synagogue foundation walls were unearthed. In Riga, every July 4th now marks 'The Day of Remembrance' to commemorate all Jewish victims who perished in Riga Ghettos.

A plaque titled 'The Idol' address the factors that have led to major human catastrophes, such as the Holocaust, pondering how well-intentioned individuals can be manipulated to commit monstrous deeds. It emphasizes the presence of partial truth within perfect lies, also known as ideology, serving selfish agendas.

Words alone cannot fully express the profound sorrow I felt while visiting the Riga Ghetto and Holocaust Museum. 

In conclusion, the museum serves as a stark reminder of the lies and ideologies forced upon decent people who were evidence of broken pieces of everyday life scattered in all directions, discarded like cardboard from under their feet.

Welcoming Scott and Dawnetta Brown

This is our final week in the area office, and we are pleased to welcome our replacements, Scott and Dawnetta Brown. Recently retired, Scott...