Wednesday, November 23, 2022

What You Might Not Know About The MTC

Before we fly off to Riga, Latvia, we will spend ten days at the Missionary Training Center (MTC) for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Located along the Wasatch Mountains in Provo, Utah, the Provo MTC has been opened for over four decades. Hundreds of thousands of missionaries have passed through to learn and train before going out to serve their missions all over the world.

During our short visit, we will meet diverse people from all around the world who speak a variety of different languages but mostly others who are there to learn a new foreign language. Regardless of the mission assignment, worthy young men and women, ages 18-25, spend many hours each day learning one of the fifty-five foreign languages. They will also better understand the teachings of Jesus Christ and his marvelous example.

Senior Missionary couples also have an opportunity to visit the MTC. This is where we learn specific things pertaining to our specific assignment. In our situation we will learn about doing humanitarian work in foreign countries and how to work with organizations. We pray for the spirit of the Lord to help us learn how to better serve our brothers and sisters of the world.

The MTC campus is very large. It houses thousands of missionaries at the same time. Within the past five years, the Provo MTC has undergone new construction and building expansions to keep up with the demands of willing volunteers who accept the call to serve. So many young people are preparing to go out into the world wherever they have been asked to serve. They will soon travel to Asia, North and South America, Europe, Australia, the islands of the sea, and other far away places.

The new buildings are awesome with walls lined with beautiful murals of the Savior. Besides classrooms there are places to ponder and pray as you look out at beautiful landscapes. There is also a large cafeteria and gymnasium for recreation. It’s always peaceful where the spirit of the Lord is near and I am excited to experience the Missionary Training Center.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Key Insights About Our Mission Thus Far

Greg and I are going to Riga, Latvia for an eighteen- month mission! Our assignment is area welfare and humanitarian specialists for Europe North area.

In mid-September, our start date was moved up to November 28, 2022, a few weeks earlier than first assigned. We are busy getting ready to leave the United States and anticipate arriving in Riga for an introduction to a long harsh winter.

A modern two-bedroom apartment near Old Town Riga, Latvia is waiting for us. Another senior couple lives there now, whom we replace. They complete their mission and return home to their family in Utah mid-December. We will spend a few days of in-field training and orientation before their departure. It’s like “passing the baton” onto us.

We will labor with other senior couples who have also volunteered as welfare or self-reliance facilitators. We are few in number as there is great need for others to serve missions. We are hopeful there are more couples who want to participate in this great work with us.

During our welfare mission, we will locate like-minded charities and outreach initiatives with which we will encourage self-reliance, community service, and help relieve suffering. Our intentions will extend assistance to groups of people who may not otherwise have access to services or funding.

We look forward to a wealth of opportunities and experiences that would otherwise never be available to us if we stayed home. Travel and missions are fantastic self-development tools. They free us from prejudices and open eyes that renew hope to see the good in humanity. In such a way the Lord Jesus Christ would have us live. And that is something to look forward to.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Discover The Baltic States

The Baltic States received their name because the Baltic Sea runs along their western borders.  Their eastern border is the country of Russia and Belarus to the south.  Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are in northern Europe. These three countries were occupied by the Soviet Union from 1940 onward, but gained independence in 1991 and are now proud members of the European Union. Despite being grouped together, The Baltics are in fact very different countries. They are considered to be little populated countries of nature, amber, and medieval cities.

Estonia is the northernmost country and is also the smallest country with the smallest population. The capital city Tallinn is the best preserved medieval city in all of northern Europe, known as the “European Capital of Culture”. There are 150 nationalities and ethnic groups in Estonia. Estonia has around 7000 rivers, 1000 lakes, and 2000 islands. The highest “mountain” of the Baltics is located in Estonia at just 318 meters. Over half of Estonia’s land is covered by trees, one of which is a prize-winning oak tree.

Latvia is the central country. Its capital Riga is the largest city of the Baltics with about 800,000 people. Riga is famous for its Art Nouveau architecture and considered the “Paris of the North”. The official language is Latvian, but a large percent speak Russian.  Latvia is known as the singing nation and many people are involved with a chorus or choir. Folk songs are considered the nation’s national treasures. It hosts one of the largest singing and dance festivals in the world. Latvia offers a long Baltic Sea coastline with picturesque little towns with medieval centers. Latvia is where the first Christmas tree was decorated.

Lithuania is the southernmost and largest Baltic country. The capital, Vilnius, has been called the “Baltic Jerusalem” because of its many churches and its formerly significant Jewish minority. The official language is Lithuanian. The population is 3 million, and most citizens identify as Roman Catholic. Lithuania has its own famous oak tree known to be the oldest in the world.

Welcoming Scott and Dawnetta Brown

This is our final week in the area office, and we are pleased to welcome our replacements, Scott and Dawnetta Brown. Recently retired, Scott...